Birth Life And Death

Birth Life And Death

Birth Life And Death

Birth Life And Death 848 552 Paterakis Michalis
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Birth Life And Death

Birth Life And Death Who has the greatest fear of death? We will answer that question below. But why put ourselves in such a state of questioning and waiting for an answer? But of course because we are by nature forced to succumb to the mystery of a dead end aspect of life which is biological death. However, does the fear of death matter? Yes it has. One should not have big frustrations. The fear of dying is great but life comes again and joy rises in our face. It’s the cuckoo-cha game!

After all, babies have the biggest fear in life. The question is answered. “Cuckoo” means I’m not here but you hear me because I say it. But I’m not there. Is there a suspicion there? Is there a suspicion that I will never see you again? Could this suspicion not have been born? I have a question. May I not have feared at that “cuckoo” hour at all that we may never see each other again? The very movement itself pushes us towards the answer. I don’t even want to have the suspicion. I look forward to the “cha” and when suddenly the hands open and my face is revealed: smile!!!! A big smile forms on the face. Now I know the game. I was born and reborn. I live to play this game.

Birth Life And Death

Cycle-of-birth-and-death-web-300x224 Birth Life And Death

Birth Life And Death

But what am I saying? Do I live, breathe, exist, to play this game? To play this game. A game that as long as I come back to see you, all is well. I confirm that you are fine. That is, that I will see you again. I mean, I’m fine. The problem is when I don’t see you again. When “cuckoo” ends up making me a lonely cuckoo. When “cha” I wait for it in vain. Unfair. This is for example a big abort. We don’t want this abort. Small frustrations like waiting for you to come back are bearable and necessary because it helps me detach from you and come to myself. To myself who is full of wants and needs and who must learn to put them off and fight to achieve something.

Birth is intertwined with unitary duality. What does this mean; It means we are one. We two are one. And we live as one. There we live together for a long time until I say thank you and sorry for tiring you. This is a problem if it doesn’t happen. If I don’t feel like saying thank you and sorry for bothering you, then things are not going well. But if I tell you, then we are together. Me and you together who also sings the happy song. Various problems in the world may exist but when there is me and you together, then there is also the possibility to live in the world without trying to kill it every hour and moment. The aggression won’t be as intense, it won’t be purposeful, I won’t try to use it to dominate. This is a torture for both the one who practices it and the one who suffers it.

Life comes with this thank you. It means you took care of me as much as you could and now I can take care of you too. That’s where life is. In giving. Who gives? He who has taken The one who endured him. He who is not forced to kill because he is not understood. Who lives? The one who in “between us” finds some opportunity to give, to understand and is not looking to make relationships just to get.

Birth Life And Death – The Great Injustice

Death laughs and waits. It is the great injustice. We know that the world is unfair in many cases but the biggest injustice is the end. However, this end, we deny it for a long time successfully but if I remember how many times I see this fear in the eyes and in the words and in the actions of people expressed through movements of anxiety, anxiety, through goodness or badness, if I remember how many times I see him a day, I really won’t be able to count them. It is the fear of death, of illness, of losing the other and ultimately of losing yourself. But not only in the treatments I do. I see this fear today through social networks. Everyone wants to leave their mark, be seen, get a like. This is narcissistic but behind it lies fear. When I am narcissistic, strong, fear is reduced. Nah, funny stuff. No fear diminishes. It’s just expressing itself. But it is the need to “hold me”. That’s why “retention” is the hardest thing in the world. A mom holding a baby, a partner holding a partner, a state holding a citizen. That is why the aggression that is expressed towards the states, the systems, the institutions, is essentially in itself, aggression towards the mother.

I spoke more about birth and death than about life. Maybe because I live my life. I don’t need to say much about her. When I couldn’t live it, I threw it into reading and watching theater, to try to find the meaning from there. I appreciated the arts, poetry and recently saw sculpture again with different eyes. But I don’t use these to live my life. Life is for entering into it and co-shaping it. I should talk here about the invasion of the mother’s body and the phantasies that exist there. I will, in another article that I will share with you at a later time.

The process of psychotherapy requires commitment, dedication and is addressed only to those who seriously see that they need to change their lives. If you are thinking of starting this journey, please call me at 211 71 51 801 to make an appointment and let’s see together how I can help you.

Mixalis Paterakis
Psychologist Psychotherapist
University of Indianapolis University of Middlesex
Karneadou 37, Kolonaki (next to Evangelismos)
I accept by appointment
Tel: 211 7151 801

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