Ψυχολογος Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals: Psychotherapy is a specialty taken by scientists who deal with mental health. These are primarily psychologists and psychiatrists. However, someone who is not a psychologist or psychiatrist can also be trained. Many nurses and social workers interested in the field of mental health choose to train in some form of psychotherapy. In order to become a psychotherapist, many years of training are required in special schools that have established corresponding programs recognized by the scientific community. A serious training includes personal psychotherapy, clinical practice in psychiatric hospitals, supervision with more experienced colleagues, clinical theoretical work on real cases and takes no less than five years. This training takes place after the end of academic studies and most commonly takes place after postgraduate studies. So the total years for someone to be able to reach the point of being able to do clinical interventions, is more than ten. Through this process of long-term education, a mental health professional can help the person begin to understand themselves better.
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Treats – Psychotherapeutic directions
Psychotherapy has several directions. In other words, various theoretical and clinical approaches have been developed which differ both in the way they perceive the mental problem and in the methods they apply. The most widespread is psychoanalytic psychotherapy, but there are also other types of psychotherapy. However, today we know that the self is a complex psychosomatic system that has labyrinthine routes. However, for the trained psychotherapist, the difficulties and the points at which they occur are visible. Also, not only the symptoms but the roots of the symptoms are visible. Where do they come from? And this does not happen because we simply have certain clinical and theoretical schemes in our minds, but we see individually in the individual how a certain problematic has been created.
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Treats – Psychotherapy is a way of helping and understanding self
Psychotherapy is essentially a way of helping people who are dealing with psychological issues. Anxiety and depressive disorders as well as panic attacks for example are very common nowadays. Medicines may somewhat soften the symptoms but do not solve these problems, while with a more psychodynamic type of psychotherapy (which searches deeper into the self) one can understand oneself better.
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
Psychologist Psychotherapist How Heals – So what does a psychotherapist do?
So what does a psychotherapist do? It depends on the direction it is going. The psychoanalytic approach that I follow, explores the relationship between the client and the therapist to see how the personality was made. In other words, we study the relationship with parents, siblings, family and try to discover the hidden feelings of childhood . Thus, in the treatment, the patient relives everything that burdens him and with the help of the therapist he can correct the wounds that are bothering him. So in a treatment that looks for the inner world of the person, where we are interested in the inner state of the self, the way in which it was created, how it grew, what it lacks, where it was hurt, what affected it and how it came to make symptoms . In such a treatment there are no advices but it is the relationship with the therapist which helps to gradually repair all those issues which create difficulties for the person to make satisfactory relationships. The real cure is to learn oneself. To get to know his sexuality if he has concerns there, to accept his aggression, to let go of his anger. That is, things that are not easy and often impossible to understand on your own when you are faced with problems or when you are confused. A psychotherapist is not there to say kind words and support as many assume. A psychotherapist lets the patient see him as he wants. Show him what he wants and how he wants. And the psychotherapist is trained not to confuse his own self with the self of the treated but to let the treated get as close as he wants to show what damage has been done and at what point.
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
How does a Psychologist Psychotherapist Heal – How does a psychotherapist heal?
Psychoanalytic type psychotherapy is done through a set of three things. The first is transfer. This is the relationship that the treated person develops with the therapist and which we call transference because the patients feel with the therapist during the treatment as they felt with their parents, with family and generally with significant others.
The second is the dreams. Dreams are, as Freud once said, “the royal road to the unconscious”. This means that material from our unconscious life is brought to us during sleep. Feelings we have hidden, thoughts we have forgotten, representations we repressed, urges and needs we repressed during our childhood. The third is free association. This is the basic way one brings one’s thought and emotional life to the surface. The therapist does not suggest the topic. The patient freely says what comes to mind even if it is against the dictates of culture. Shame, guilt, sexuality, jealousy, and anything that comes to mind is spoken freely without censorship.
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
Psychologist Psychotherapist How Heals – Why do psychotherapy?
This is a question that is asked in a different way by those who come for treatment after forty. The question they ask is: “why didn’t I start earlier?”. Psychotherapy is nothing more than a relationship through which one can see his real self more clearly. To see where he was hurt, why he hid his feelings, to understand his sexuality, his relationships, to reduce his guilt or excessive shame. Normally it should be implemented from childhood in schools. If this were done, the world would be different. Less aggressive and more intimate. We would really care more about others. But that means we would have come out of our personal narcissism. So we can look at it from this side as well. Maturity means being able to see you too.
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
*The article may not be reproduced without the written permission of the author
See also: Anxiety has unconscious origins
See also: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
The process of psychotherapy requires commitment, dedication and is addressed only to those who seriously see that they need to change their lives. If you are thinking of starting this journey, call me at 211 71 51 801 to make an appointment and see together how I can help you.
Psychologist Psychotherapist
University of Indianapolis University of Middlesex
Karneadou 37, Kolonaki
I accept by appointment
Tel: 211 7151 801
Psychologist Psychotherapist How He Heals
Ψυχολογος Ψυχοθεραπευτης
“θεραπεία σημαίνει η προσπάθεια να καταλάβει κανείς τον εαυτό του. Να τον κατανοήσει. Να μάθει γιατί μισεί, γιατί έχει χαμηλή αυτοεκτίμηση, γιατί δεν μπορεί να αγαπήσει, με λίγα λόγια να δει από που προέρχονται όλα αυτά…”
Για οτιδήποτε ψυχολογικό σας απασχολεί, μην διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε. Υπάρχει λύση σε κάθε πρόβλημα απλώς χρειάζεται να δούμε λίγο εσάς.
Psychologist Psychotherapist
“healing means trying to understand oneself. To understand him. To find out why he hates, why he has low self-esteem, why he can’t love, in short to see where all this comes from…”
For anything psychological that concerns you, do not hesitate to contact. There is a solution to every problem we just need to see a little of you.