Subchondral neurosis Subchondral Symptoms Psychotherapy

Subchondral neurosis

Subchondral neurosis Subchondral Symptoms Psychotherapy

Subchondral neurosis Subchondral Symptoms Psychotherapy 800 500 Paterakis Michalis
Estimated reading time: 14 minutes

hypochondriac neurosis Hypochondriac Symptoms Psychotherapy. : To think one has some disease when the organic tests show nothing amiss; when one complains that one feels that something is going to happen to him but the medical experts affirm that they find nothing to justify such a concern; when one is over-concerned about his health when he is not suffering from any disease, and generally when medicine affirms that there is no cause for concern, then it seems somewhat strange that this man should feel that he is not well.

hypochondriac neurosis

Imaginary Patient! I’ve got something!

Hypochondriac neurosis

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Subchondral Symptoms Psychotherapy. hypochondriac neurosis

Is there really something wrong with it?

Nevertheless, we have no reason not to believe this man’s feeling and not to stand with him, because whichever way you look at it, it is a feeling. It is true that he does not have an illness and he is not going to get sick (apart from the sad fact that one day we will all die). But he cannot have suddenly gone mad and there is certainly a reason for the distress he is causing to himself and to those close to him.

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Hypochondriac neurosis


Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

It’s a temporary solution

Thoughts that something bad will happen to someone, or that they will die, or that they have an illness hide situations that the person cannot bear. When we can’t stand something we resort to various solutions. For example, we pretend it doesn’t exist. We avoid it or reduce its importance within ourselves. These temporary solutions definitely cannot be considered as meaningful solutions since the complaints continue for a long time. For each person the things he cannot bear are different but also of different intensity. Some people experience grief for example with a very high intensity, some people do not experience it while it is within them, some people work harder so that they do not think about it and do not feel it.

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

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Υποχονδρια Συμπτωματα Ψυχοθεραπεια. υποχονδρια νευρωση


Every behavior, thought and emotion has a reason for existence. In all cases one thing is certain. That what exists (e.g. sadness, sometimes anger, etc.) if it exists, has a reason for existing. Those reasons matter to the person who feels that state and feels that they cannot bear it. An emotion which persists for a long time, is intense and contains the idea or feeling of the person that something bad will happen to them or that they have an illness, is very disturbing but most of all it does not let the person enjoy their life.

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

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Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

Is there a solution?

This problem is not insoluble as it may seem to the individual. Many times psychological problems seem unsolvable in the eyes of people experiencing the disturbing symptoms of psychological stress but there is a solution. The solution is to look at what is going on inside of you. Many people try to do this by reading books or attending lectures by experts. This is a defensive effort. It is not a real effort. It is defensive because everything you hear and read makes you believe (wrongly) that it will solve the problem. But the problem is not solved because it is not a cure. And what is a cure? To feel. That is a cure. Feel what? To feel the fear of annihilation that you felt when you were a very young child when your mother was taken away from you and the world was lost. It was black. When you had needs inside you that no one understood.

To feel the anger. The rage. The hate. To feel them for everyone inside you that you feel those emotions. That is true healing. But it can’t be done with books or lectures. It is done in the healing relationship with a trained therapist where there is the right context for these things to happen. It’s reliving childhood. One relives it. From the beginning.

Emotional reactions come out that have been hidden for years. They come out because the therapeutic relationship is unlike any other. There when you go to diminish the value of the emotion we immediately discuss why you’re doing it. And you’re going to insist you’re right. That there’s no value in getting angry and for the hundredth time you’ll see that you’re suppressing your anger. And when you will understand it then you will see that if there is no value as you say in getting angry, then why are you suppressing it? If it is then of secondary importance, so without value, then why bother about whether you suppress it or not. People get defensive.

They are afraid. And they turn the aggression towards themselves instead of expressing their anger. So the self gets hurt and one feels so vulnerable that one reaches a point of great tension that rests on fragmentation. As if he is sick, as if he can’t stand to be well. These symptoms are mental expressions. But our basis is biological. So at the end of the line of being, emotions are not expressed by behaviors or mental events but by physical reactions.

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

The Mirror of Therapy

Therapy is not a conversation. It is a mirror in which by looking at yourself you begin to separate yourself from it and become more mature, seeing and feeling more clearly. Kids growing up in therapy. I help them grow their egos. They build a sense over time that all emotions can circulate in the body without fear, without shame, without guilt. The impact of these feelings is lessened. They do not dominate. These feelings help us to live in civilization without slaughtering each other. It is not their purpose to afflict us. When they afflict us, it means we have become neurotic. With low self-esteem and we do a thousand tricks and defenses to keep them from seeing clearly.

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Hypochondriac neurosis

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Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis


Whatever is hidden in our unconscious life, we can see it in the therapeutic relationship with humour, with simplicity and in its true dimensions. We are not in a hurry, nor do we uproot things. Our self is built on a relationship basis. And with relationship can heal wounds. With relationship it can make amends. With relationship, he can enjoy the journey to… Ithaca. To healing. You go through struggles of course, you struggle, you know the places and the riches within, you know experiences that are sometimes difficult and tragic, you realize that the journey is long, but you endure and when you overcome each obstacle, knowledge comes. Understanding. That effort is the cure. To learn about ourselves. To be seen and cared for as we are truly cared for or as we are truly not cared for but accept that too so that we can receive and give the gift of life. To share it. That is where one can then find one’s own true meaning.

Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis

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Subchronic Symptoms Psychotherapy. Subchondral neurosis


Symptoms of hypochondriac neurosis Psychotherapy

Hypochondriac neurosis is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive preoccupation with one’s physical health. Individuals suffering from this disorder have an irrational belief that they have a serious illness or medical condition, even when there is no evidence to support the belief.

Individuals with hypochondriac neurosis often experience a wide range of physical symptoms that can vary in intensity. Psychotherapy is the main treatment for hypochondriac neurosis and includes exposure therapy, relaxation techniques and medication. In addition, there are self-help strategies that can be used to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.

What is hypochondriac neurosis?

An emotional disorder characterized by excessive concern for one’s health, even when there is no physical cause, is commonly known as “hypochondriac neurosis.” People with this disorder often experience a persistent fear of getting a serious illness and may become obsessed with the idea of having a serious medical condition.

Those with hypochondriac neurosis may spend a great deal of time researching their symptoms and self-diagnosing, even after medical care has been ruled out. In extreme cases, sufferers may be confined to the home for fear of contracting a serious illness.

The symptoms of hypochondriac neurosis may vary from person to person, but usually include worry about a serious illness, extreme fear of death, feelings of physical symptoms, and the belief that minor illnesses are serious. Other symptoms may include preoccupation with one’s health, difficulty making decisions and difficulty sleeping. In some cases, symptoms can lead to depression and anxiety.

Treatment for hypochondriac neurosis usually includes psychotherapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an effective form of treatment for this disorder and can help sufferers recognize and challenge their distorted thoughts and beliefs. Medications such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications and antipsychotics may also be prescribed to help manage symptoms.

With proper treatment, those suffering from this disorder can learn to manage their symptoms and live healthy, fulfilling lives.

Causes of hypochondriac neurosis

You are probably feeling overwhelmed by all the physical and mental discomfort you are experiencing, and it is important to understand that these feelings can be caused by a number of factors.

Hypochondriac neurosis is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent and excessive anxiety about a serious illness. It is believed to be caused by a combination of psychological and biological factors.

Psychologically, it can be triggered by traumatic events, such as the death of a loved one or a major life change. It can also be triggered by fear of the unknown, lack of control and difficulty coping with anxiety.

Biologically, it may be related to an overactive biological response to a perceived threat, such as a virus or bacteria.

It is important to recognize that hypochondriac neurosis is not caused by a single agent. Rather, it is caused by a number of different psychological and biological components. This means that treatment must focus on addressing these underlying factors.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is often recommended to help individuals manage their symptoms and develop coping strategies. This type of therapy involves examining the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviors in order to identify and address any irrational thoughts or beliefs that may be contributing to a person’s anxiety.

In addition, medications, such as antidepressants, may be used to reduce anxiety and help the person manage their symptoms.

The journey to recovery from hypochondriac neurosis can be difficult and frustrating. It can be helpful to seek professional support and practice self-care, such as engaging in calming activities, getting enough rest and regular exercise.

With the right treatment plan and support, people can learn to manage their symptoms and gain a better understanding of their condition.

Symptoms of hypochondriac neurosis

Experiencing persistent and excessive stress about a serious illness can be debilitating and can have an impact on your mental and physical health.

The symptoms of hypochondriac neurosis can vary from person to person, but typically include fear of physical illness and preoccupation with one’s health. People with this condition may become overly concerned about their body, constantly checking for signs of illness and often interpreting normal signs and symptoms as indicative of a serious illness.

Common symptoms include persistent worries about developing a serious illness, frequent visits to doctors, frequent internet searches for health information, and a tendency to misinterpret normal body sensations as signs of illness. People with hypochondriac neurosis may also experience physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea and fatigue.

These physical symptoms may be the result of high levels of stress and anxiety caused by fear of illness. In addition, people may become socially isolated due to their fear of transmission or may find it difficult to concentrate on tasks and activities due to their preoccupation with their health.

Finally, they may also experience feelings of guilt and shame because of their fear of the disease and the impact it has on their lives. Hypochondriac neurosis can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life and it is important to seek treatment to help manage symptoms.

Treatment usually includes psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy and psychodynamic therapy, as well as lifestyle changes such as stress management and relaxation techniques. With the right treatment, people can learn to manage their symptoms and regain a sense of control and well-being.

Diagnosis of hypochondriac neurosis

Diagnosing the underlying cause of one’s persistent stress and preoccupation with one’s health can be a complicated process, but it is essential to learning how to manage the condition and live a healthy life.

A doctor or mental health professional will usually start by performing a physical examination and/or psychological evaluation to determine if there is an underlying medical condition or mental health disorder that needs to be addressed.

The doctor or mental health professional may also ask about the patient’s family history, personal life, and other factors that may be contributing to the symptoms. If a physical or psychological cause is ruled out, then the doctor may diagnose the person with hypochondriac neurosis.

To diagnose hypochondriac neurosis, the doctor or mental health professional will usually look for signs of excessive worry about one’s health, intense fear of developing a serious illness, frequent visits to the doctor, and difficulty accepting reassurances from medical professionals.

Other symptoms may include over-checking one’s body for signs of illness, avoiding activities and places associated with illness, and feeling anxious in response to the thought of getting sick.

Treatment for hypochondriac neurosis often consists of psychotherapy, medications and lifestyle changes. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that can be used to help a person recognize and challenge irrational thoughts and behaviors, learn healthy coping strategies, and manage anxiety and fear.

Medications, such as antidepressants, can also be used to manage symptoms. Finally, lifestyle changes, such as developing a regular exercise routine, eating a healthy diet and engaging in relaxation techniques, can help a person manage their symptoms and live a healthy life.

Treatment of hypochondriac neurosis with Psychotherapy

If you are struggling with the stress of getting sick, psychotherapy can help. You can gain control of your anxiety and fear and manage your symptoms by talking about your concerns in a safe and supportive environment.

Your therapist can help you get to the root of your fear and look for ways to cope. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common type of psychotherapy used to treat hypochondriac neurosis.

It helps you identify negative thoughts and replace them with healthier, more realistic thoughts. It can also help you understand how your thoughts and behaviors are connected and how they affect your emotions.

Your therapist will also work with you to develop relaxation techniques and strategies for managing stress and anxiety, as well as practice healthy coping skills. With the help of a qualified therapist, you can learn to recognize when your thoughts and behaviors are irrational and unhealthy and begin to take steps to create positive changes in your life.

You will also learn to identify and challenge any false beliefs that may be contributing to your anxiety and fear. Psychotherapy can help you develop a healthier perspective on the illness and allow you to take control of your thoughts and feelings.

In addition, your therapist can help you learn how to develop better communication skills and work out ways to manage your anxiety levels. Psychotherapy can be a powerful tool for reducing the symptoms of hypochondriac neurosis and improving your quality of life.

With the help of a skilled therapist, you can begin to gain control of your anxiety and fear, develop healthier thought patterns, and learn valuable coping skills that will help you manage your symptoms in the future.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help you take control of your thoughts and feelings and learn to recognize when they become irrational. The goal is to help the person learn to identify negative thought patterns and behaviors that lead to the development of hypochondriac neurosis.

During therapy, the individual is encouraged to challenge their thoughts and beliefs and challenge them with evidence-based questions. This helps them to eventually replace irrational thoughts with more logical and realistic ones.

It also focuses on helping the person identify and modify behaviors that can lead to and maintain hypochondriac neurosis. This includes helping the individual learn to practice self-care, such as relaxation techniques, healthy eating and regular exercise. In addition, it may include challenging the person to face their fear of medical tests and treatments.

By participating in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, people with hypochondriac neurosis can learn to recognize and manage their symptoms in a more effective way. Through this process, they can learn to take control of their thoughts and emotions, reduce their anxiety, improve their quality of life, and find more effective ways to cope with stressful situations.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy can help you address your fears and reduce anxiety. It is based on the idea that by exposing yourself to what you fear, you can reduce your panic levels. This therapy is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders such as phobias and panic disorder. It can also help hypochondriac neurosis by treating the fear of illness and reducing anxiety.

In exposure therapy, the therapist creates a list of illness-related fears. You then practice exposure to these in a safe environment. This could include imitating experiences you fear, such as visiting a doctor. The therapist helps identify the factors for the anxiety and works through them.

The goal is to gain control of thoughts and feelings. You learn to understand how your body responds to stress and develop healthy coping strategies. You challenge negative beliefs that contribute to anxiety. As you practice, you become more confident in managing symptoms and reducing the effects of hypochondriac neurosis.

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques can help reduce the tension of anxious thoughts and give you the tools to manage them more effectively. Examples of relaxation techniques include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and awareness exercises.

Deep breathing involves slow, deep breaths, allowing yourself to feel the sensations of air entering and exiting your body. Progressive muscle relaxation involves stretching and then releasing every muscle in your body, allowing you to feel the sensation of relaxation in every area. Mindfulness exercises involve focusing on the present moment and observing the physical sensations and thoughts you are experiencing without judgment.

Relaxation techniques can be used in the moment to reduce the tension of anxious thoughts or as part of a larger treatment plan. When used as part of a larger treatment plan, relaxation techniques can be used in psychotherapy sessions or taught to the patient for use outside of the session. This can give the patient the ability to manage their own anxiety effectively and with greater control.

Relaxation techniques have been found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of hypochondriac neurosis, helping to reduce the intensity of anxious thoughts and improving the patient’s overall symptoms. With regular practice, relaxation techniques can help reduce the frequency and severity of hypochondriac neurosis symptoms, allowing the patient to live a more fulfilling and stress-free life.

Medication for hypochondriac neurosis

Medication can be an important part of managing the severe anxiety that accompanies hypochondriac neurosis, allowing sufferers to find relief and gain control. While some people with hypochondriac neurosis may only need psychological treatment, others may benefit from a combination of medication and psychotherapy.

Commonly prescribed medications include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which can help reduce the anxiety and fear associated with hypochondriac neurosis. These medications can take several weeks to become effective, so it is important to be patient and remain in close contact with a doctor while taking them.

In addition to these, other medications that may be prescribed to help manage hypochondriac neurosis include benzodiazepines, which are used for short-term reduction of anxiety symptoms. These medications can be used as needed, however, they can cause side effects such as dizziness and impaired judgment, so it is important to use them with caution. Tricyclic antidepressants may also be prescribed to treat the underlying depression that may accompany hypochondriac neurosis.

It is important to remember that medication is not a cure for hypochondriac neurosis and should not be used as a substitute for psychotherapy. Medications can help reduce the intensity of symptoms, allowing people to better manage their condition. In order to experience long-term relief, sufferers of hypochondriac neurosis should talk to their doctor about the benefits of psychotherapy and medication.

Self-Help Strategies for Hypochondriac Neurosis

Living with hypochondriac neurosis can be difficult, but there are self-help strategies that can help you gain control of your condition and reduce its symptoms.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most effective treatments for hypochondriac neurosis. It focuses on identifying and challenging the distorted thought patterns associated with the condition, such as catastrophizing and over-generalizing. Through it, individuals can learn to replace negative thoughts with healthier, more positive ones.

In addition, mindfulness techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises can help people with hypochondria reduce their anxiety and become more aware of their thoughts.

Finally, developing a support system with family and friends is another important self-help strategy for people with hypochondriac neurosis. Having a strong support system can help individuals feel less isolated and can provide them with the opportunity to talk about their feelings. This can be a powerful tool for reducing the symptoms of hypochondriac neurosis.

Self-help strategies such as cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness techniques and developing a support system can be beneficial for people with hypochondriac neurosis and can help them regain control of their condition.


Hypochondriac neurosis is a serious mental health condition that can cause a great deal of distress. It is important for those suffering from this condition to seek treatment, such as psychotherapy, in order to reduce their symptoms.

Exposure therapy, relaxation techniques and medication can all be used to help manage the disorder. Self-help strategies are also valuable tools as they can help reduce stress and anxiety.

With the right combination of treatments, people with hypochondriac neurosis can live a normal life free of stress. Therefore, it is important for those suffering from this condition to seek professional help to get the treatment they need.


The process of psychotherapy requires commitment, dedication and is addressed only to those who seriously see that they need to change their lives. If you are thinking of starting this journey, please call me at 211 71 51 801 to make an appointment and let’s see together how I can help you.

Mixalis Paterakis
Psychologist Psychotherapist
University of Indianapolis University of Middlesex
Karneadou 37, Kolonaki (next to Evangelismos)
I accept by appointment
Tel: 211 7151 801

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